I paint from a youthful and feminine perspective. I love shapes and color and often have to control my impulses to fill a canvas with color. My style can be summed up best by artist and author Herbert Sieber - "Why should I care about style? When I start painting, I never know what will come out." I never know what I'm trying to achieve with anything I create. When I'm inspired to start a painting, the piece usually takes on a direction of its own. Sometimes conflicts have to be overcome, but at other times, when I'm in the moment and not really thinking about where the painting is going, I just let it take me where it needs to go. That's when it's magical, when I don't have to think, I just have to do.
I'm drawn to and inspired by the unusual and unexpected. I draw heavily from the abstract expressionist movement of the 50's.
I had one viewer of my work comment that "I used color, texture and shape without fear." At first, I didn't know if this was a compliment or not, but have come to embrace this statement. I 'try' to approach each piece without fear of doing something wrong and let the piece shape itself and bring 'me' along for the ride.